AKPA News in April 2000
(1). The AKPA 2000 Annual Meeting
(2). AKPA Presidential and Auditor Election Results
(3). Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting
(4). AKPA Newsletters
(1). The AKPA 2000 Annual Meeting
AKPA held the Annual Meeting on Monday, March 20, 2000 in Minneapolis,Minnesota during the APS Meeting
at 6:30 pm in Seafood Palace. After the dinner and informal introduction, the Business Meeting Session of
the Annual Meeting started at 8:00 pm. Dr. Yung Kee Yeo reported on the election results of the 23rd
President and 12th Auditor on behalf of the Election Committee.
The 2000 Outstanding Young Researcher's Award (OYRA) ceremony was also held at the AKPA Annual
Meeting. The awards were presented by Prof. Yung Kee Yeo (Air Force Institute of Technology).
The winner was Dr. Seung-Hun Lee (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and Honorable Mention
awardees were Dr. Songhoon Yang (California Institute of Technology) and Dr. Hyunjung Kim (Argonne
National Laboratory). A cash award in the amount of $1,000 was presented to the winner along with a
plaque, and a cash award of $200 each was also presented to the outstanding young physicist along
with the Honorable Mention plaque at the AKPA annual meeting.
(2). AKPA Presidential and Auditor Election Results
The AKPA is pleased to announce that Dr. SUNG-KWUN LYO, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque,
New Mexico has been elected as the 23rd President of the AKPA and Dr. SOO-UNG KIM, DynCorp, Chantilly,
Virginia as the 12th auditor by the Association of Korean Physicists in America.
On behalf of the AKPA, we would like to extend our warm congratulations and best wishes to them.
We look forward to Dr. Lyo's great contributions for better Association. Dr. Lyo will serve as the Vice
President from 5/1/00 to 4/30/01 for the 22nd AKPA President, Professor Zang-Hee Cho of the University of
California, Irvine, and then he will serve as the AKPA's 23rd President from 5/1/01 to 4/30/02. Dr. Kim will
serve as the 12th auditor from 5/1/00 to 4/30/01. The ballots were opened and tabulated on March 20,
2000, on time for the AKPA Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Prof. Young Hoon Kim, Dr. Seon-Ju
Hwang, and Prof.Yung Kee Yeo.
(3). Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting
(Report by Condensed Matter Physics Group)
The traditional APS March dinner meeting was successfully held at the "Seafood Palace" Chinese restaurant
at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 22, 2000. The meeting place has been arranged by Dr. Young-Hwa Kim and
Ms. Sara Kelley of Higher Dimension Research. The dinner meeting was sponsored by the Association of
Korean Physicists in America and Higher Dimension Research, Inc. All the members of the Condensed Matter
Physics Group extend their gratitude to them for their generous contributions and supports.
Many Korean physicists (about fifty) from Korea and America attended this dinner meeting including CEO,
Dr. Young-Hwa Kim of Higher Dimension Research, Profs. Jisoon Ihm and Kookrin Char of the Seoul National
University, and Prof. Hosun Lee of Kyunghee University. During this historical annual dinner meeting, we all
shared our mutual fellowship and exchanged technical and other information. In particular, Dr. Young-Hwa
Kim shared his experience on his successful business with us.
The traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting for the year 2001 to be held in Seattle, Washington
will be organized by Dr. Sang-Wook Han of University of Washington and Hoydoo You of Argonne National
Lab. We also expect continuous support from the AKPA and Dr.Young-Hwa Kim (President, Higher Dimension
Research Inc., St Paul, MN) in the coming years. The name of place will be announced through the AKPA
e-mail channel as soon as the place is determined.
(4). AKPA Newsletter: Speical Millennium Issue
The hardcopy AKPA Special Millennium Issue Newsletter has been mailed to members. If you did not
received yet and want to receive it please send e-mail your mailing address to E-Link Dr. S.J Hwang at
Jin-Joo Song
21st AKPA President