AKPA NEWS, August 2002
(Association of Korean Physicists in America)
1. Greetings from President
2. An Urgent Announcement on Travel Grants to Participate KPS Jubilee Symposiums
3. Introduction of Standing Committee *************************************************
1. Greetings from President
Dear AKPA Members:
I am honored to serve you as the 24th President of AKPA, from May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003. It is difficult for me to follow the steps of Dr. Sungkwun Lyo, the 23th President, who accomplished much for the AKPA. On the other hand, it is reassuring to know that Dr. Quiesup Kim, an international leader in electron device physics, has been elected as the 25th President, who will serve for two years due to the change of the AKPA constitution last year. In any case, I will be seeking the expertise and advice of Dr. Lyo and Dr. Kim, as well as those of Dr. Jeong-Sun Moon, who was elected to serve as the Auditor this year. Above all, I thank all of you for your continued support to me and to the AKPA activities.
The AKPA officers this year are; Drs. Hoydoo You (General and Treasury Secretary), Jaehoon Yu (Publicity and Program Secretary), and Jin Seo Im (Web Page Manager). I am deeply thankful to them for agreeing to serve as AKPA officers despite their busy schedule. Two members of the OYRA committee, Drs. Yung Kee Yeo and Taeil Bai, completed their three-year term this year. We thank them for their effort for three years in helping to select the recipient from a list of highly qualified applications. Since I have also resigned myself from the committee, I have appointed three new members of the OYRA committee. They are Profs. Woowon Kang (U. of Chicago),Young Kee Kim (UC Berkeley), and Dr. Sungkwun Lyo, who will chair the Committee. A full list of AKPA officers and committee members is attached to this greeting.
The AKPA became stronger and more efficient last year under the able leadership of Dr. Lyo. The traditional activities have been consolidated and several innovations have been introduced, including the fee for student members, the web-voting procedure, and two year term for the AKPA presidency. The AKPA this will strive to be as active as last year.
The new AKPA officers and I will explore possible new initiatives and evaluate their merits and feasibility. The input from all of you in this regard will be much appreciated. The three main traditional activities of AKPA are; the membership and fund drive, OYRA award, and the AKPA dinner during the APS meeting. The fund drive is the basis on which all other activities may succeed, and we will be working hard to secure a healthy funding for our organization. The annual award of OYRA (Outstanding Young Research Award) has become a prestigious award known throughout the U.S. physics community. The call for the application of this award from recent Ph.D.'s will be announced in the fall. The prestige of the OYRA award may be seen from the recent news that the two top OYRA winners (Drs. Philip Kim(Columbia U.) and Yoonseok Lee (U. of Florida) have been invited to speak, upon AKPA's recommendation, at the UKC-2002 (US-Korea Conference) in Seoul Korea, July 11 - 13, 2002. Finally, the AKPA dinner will be held according to the well-established protocol.
Best wishes for you all,
Kwang-Je Kim
The 24th AKPA President
2. An Urgent Announcement on Travel Grants to Participate KPS Jubilee Symposiums, October 23 - 26, 2002
AKPA invites urgent applications from the members for travel grants to attend and present papers at the Jubilee Meeting of the Korean Physical Society (KPS) to beheld at Hanyang University in Seoul during October 23 - 26, 2002.
The grant will cover the airfare within $1500. The local staying expenses in Korea will be partially provided by the KPS 50th Anniversary Committee. There is also a strong possibility of holding additional AKPA activity in Korea.
About 10 grants will be awarded. Active researchers of all ages including currently active young and promising physicists are encouraged to apply. Non-members can also apply by joining the AKPA and paying $25 membership fee as instructed in www.akpa.org.
The application should include
1) the title/abstract of the proposed talk, and
2) a brief resume including a list of recent and important publications
and be sent before August 23, 2002 to the following address by email(text, ps or pdf file) or by Fax to:
Dr. Kyungsik Kang,
Chair of the US Coordinating Committee of the KPS Jubilee Meeting
c/o Physics Department, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912
E-mail: kang@het.brown.edu
Fax: 401-863-3697
Tel: (401) 863-1468
with C. C. (for email submission) to the Committee members :
Dr. Kwang-Je Kim (kwangje@aps.anl.gov),
Dr. Quisup Kim (Kim@jpl.nasa.gov),
Dr. Sungkwun Lyo (sklyo@sandia.gov).
3. List of AKPA officers and Committee Members
Dr. Kwang-Je Kim
Building 410/C4265
Argonne National Laboratory
9700, South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439
Tel: (630) 252-4647
Fax: (630) 252-7369
E-mail: kwangje@aps.anl.gov
President –elect and Vice President
Dr. Quiesup Kim
MS T1300-D
Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA, Caltech
4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA91109-8099,
Tel: (818) 354-6080
Fax: (818) 393-0045
Email: Quiesup.Kim@jpl.nasa.gov
Past President
Dr. Sungkwun Lyo
MS 1415
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM 87185
Tel: (505) 844-3718
Fax: (505) 844-1197
E-mail: sklyo@sandia.gov
General and Treasury Secretary
Dr. Hoydoo You
MSD 223
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60527
Tel: (630) 252 3429
Fax: (630) 252 7777
E-mail: you@anl.gov
Publicity and Program Secretary
Prof. Jaehoon Yu
Rm 242, Science Hall
Physics Department
Box 19059
University of Texas at Arlington
Arlington, TX 76019
(817) 272-2814
HEP Fax: (817) 272-2824
E-mail: jaehoonyu@uta.edu
Web Page Manager
Dr. Jin Seo Im
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Ave.
Argonne, IL 60527
Tel: (630) 252 3590
Fax: (630) 252 9289
E-mail: j.s.im@anl.gov
Dr. Jeong-Sun Moon
Hughes Research Laboratories
3011 Malibu Canyon Rd.
Malibu, CA 90265
Tel: 310-317-5461
Fax: 310-317-5450
E-mail: jsmoon@hrl.com.
OYRA Committee
Chueng Ryong Ji (North Carolina St.) and Sungkwun Lyo (Sandia National Laboratories, Chair) ( Class of 03)
M. Howard Lee (U. Georgia) and Young Hoon Kim (U. Cincinnati) (class of 04)
Young Kee Kim( UC Berkeley) and Woowon Kang ( U. of Chicago) ( class of 05)