AKPA NEWS, February 2002
(Association of Korean Physicists in America)
1. AKPA General Meeting and Traditional Dinner at APS March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN
2. Dr. Philip Kim of Columbia U. wins the Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA)-2002
3. Membership Dues and Contributions: List of the current contributors
4. HDRI (High Dimension Research Inst.) pledges Support for OYRA
5. KOSEN's Support for AKPA
6. US-Korea Conference: UKC2002 to be held in Seoul, 8 - 13 July, 2002
7. News from the Korean Physical Society (KPS)
8. Job opening
9. Announcement for the Traditional Wednesday Dinner
Dear AKPA members.
I hope that this News Letter find you in good health and well being. Our Web site is gradually taking a new shape. A new "former presidents" section has been completed. We thank Drs. Byeongwon Park (Sandia), Chun-Yeol You (ANL) and Hoydoo You (ANL) for their hard work. Our member directory (including search engine) is also working well. You have to type your e-address for the user name and password. Also, I would like to invite each of you to attend AKPA general meeting/dinner meeting during APS March Meeting in Indianapolis (see the announcement below). AKPA election is coming soon. I would like to encourage enthusiastic participation of the qualified members in the forthcoming election.
With warmest regards and
Best wishes,
Sungkwun Lyo
AKPA president
1. AKPA General Meeting and Traditional Dinner at APS March Meeting in Indianapolis, IN
AKPA General Meeting and the three-decade-old Traditional Annual Dinner Meeting for all Korean Participants (from all over the world) of the APS March Meeting (3/18 - 24, 2002) will be held at 6:30 PM, March 20 (Wednesday) at Mama's House [8867 Pendleton Pike, (317) 897-0808] in Indianapolis, IN. The general meeting is partially sponsored by KOSEN. Usually, the dinner meeting is attended by 70 - 90 people including visitors from Korea. Transportation to the restaurant from and back to the Indianapolis Convention center will be provided. See the announcement at the bottom of the page (item 9.) for more detail. Contact person: Professor Yung Kee Yeo (Yung.Yeo@AFIT.edu).
2. Dr. Philip Kim of Columbia U. wins Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA)-2002
We have had the largest number of nominees in our recent OYRA history from many different areas of physics with outstanding achievements. Professor Philip Kim of Columbia U. has won this year's OYRA for his exceptionally outstanding work in high-temperature superconductivity and physics of carbon nanotubes. Other awardees are Prof. Yoonseok Lee, U. of Florida (AKPA President's Award for his work in the low-temperature physics), Dr. Yoon-Ho Kim, Oak Ridge National Lab (honorable mention for his work in information science), and Prof. Jaewu Choi, Wayne State U. (honorable mention for his work on polymers and carbon nanotubes). The awards will be presented during the AKPA General Meeting and the three-decade-old Traditional Annual Dinner Meeting to be held at 6:30 PM, March 20 (Wednesday) at Mama's House [8867 Pendleton Pike, (317) 897-0808] in Indianapolis, IN.
We thank the following Award Committee members for their service:
Dr. Taeil Bai (Standford U.)
Prof. Cheung Ryong Ji (North Carolina State U.)
Dr. Kwang Je Kim (Argonne National Laboratory)
Prof. Young Hoon Kim (U. Cincinnati)
Prof. M. Howard Lee (U. Georgia)
Prof. Yung Kee Yeo (Air Force Inst. of Tech, chair)
3. AKPA Membership Dues and Contributions: List of the current contributors
The AKPA activities rely entirely on the regular membership ($25) and the associate membership ($5) (graduates students). Any amount of donations will also be appreciated. Please send your check to Dr. S. K. Lyo, MS 1415, PO Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185. Please make sure to put your return address on the envelop.
Following is the list of the contributors of the basic membership $25, plus donations of $25 - $49 (*), $50 - $99 (**), $100 - $149 (***), $150 - $199 (****), $200 - $250 (*****), $500- (#), $700-(##) (as of February, 2002):
Dr. Dr. Taeil Bai Dr. Yanglai Cho*****, Prof. Zang-Hee Cho****,
Dr. William T. Chu**, Dr. Suh-Urk Chung, Prof. Moo Young Han***,
Dr. Sang-Wook Han, Prof. Yong S. Joe, Dr. Ja Hyun Lee,
Prof. Kyungsik Kang**, Dr. Hong Mook Kim*, Prof. Kinney H. Kim*,
Dr. Kwang Je Kim**, Dr. Quiesup Kim, Dr. Young Wha Kim#
KOSEN(Dr. Sun-hwa Hahn)## Prof. Nowhan Kwak*** Dr. Dong S. Lee*,
Prof. M. Howard Lee, Dr. Sungkwun Lyo*****, Dr. Jeong Sun Moon,
Prof. Young Soo Oh*** Dr. Y. S. Park*** Prof. Yung Kee Yeo***
The list will be preserved in the AKPA Web archive.
4. HDRI (High Dimension Research Institute) pledges Support for OYRA
High Dimension Research Institute (CEO: Dr. Young Wha Kim) has pledged to donate $500 for this year's OYRA. Dr. Kim has a deep interest in promoting the careers of young AKPA physicists and has expressed his hope to help expand the award program in the future. His company was introduced in the November, 2001 AKPA News Letter under the title "Member News: Dr. Kim of HDRI receives prestigious awards."
5. KOSEN Supports AKPA
KOSEN (Dr. Sun-hwa Hahn, Chief, Overseas S&T Information Dept., Korea Inst. of S&T Information) has donated $728.43 for AKPA's general meeting and OYRA.
6. US-Korea Conference: UKC2002 to be held in Seoul, 8 - 13 July, 2002
Professor Kyungsik Kang of Brown U. is organizing a Symposium of Basic Science and Engineering at
the UKC2002 (organized by KSEA) and is in the process of assembling a quality group of speakers in the basic science of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry area. Any one in AKPA wishing to attend and present a paper at the Basic Science Symposium can submit an application with an abstract to Dr. Kang (kang@het.brown.edu) or to the UKC2002 Organizing Committee at KSEA (www.ksea.org) as soon as possible. There will be a partial travel support ranging from $1,500 (invited or high quality papers) to $500 (poster session papers). For details of the UKC2002, you may visit the UKC2002 link in www.ksea.org.
7. News from Korean Physical Society
There was an important typographical error for the date of the 50th KPS anniversary Conference in the January 2002 AKPA News Letter. It will be held at Hanyang University from October 24 (Thu) through 26 (Sat), 2002 in Seoul.
8. Job Opening
Please send any job announcement to Dr. S. K. Lyo at sklyo@sandia.gov.
8.1 SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Contract Professor Positions in Physics, Spring Semester 2002.
The Physics Research Division of Seoul National University, supported by the Brain Korea 21 Project of the Ministry of Education, Korea, invites applications for two contract professor positions in theoretical and experimental physics. Closing date is February 28, 2002. Applicants must have a Ph.D. with one year or more of postdoctoral experience. The successful candidate should have an outstanding research record and an aptitude for teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level, and is expected to participate in one of research projects of the Physics Research Division. The term of a contract is 3 years and renewable for one more term subject to performance and availability of the fund. The position will be appointed starting Spring 2002. Qualified candidates with foreignnationality are encouraged to apply. For detailed information including the application form, please visit our web site http://physics.snu.ac.kr/bk21/, or the SNU official webpage http://plaza1.snu.ac.kr/~appoint/english/. The deadline is February 28, 2002. Please note that all application documents should be sent directly to Director, BK21 Physics Research Division, at the postal address shown below. For more information, please contact: Prof. Doochul Kim, Director, Physics Research Division, School of Physics, Seoul National University, San 56-1 Shillim-dong Kwanak-gu, Seoul 151-742, Korea. email: bk21@phya.snu.ac.kr, http://physics.snu.ac.kr/bk21/, fax: +82-2-876-3973
8.2 Postdoctoral Research Positions in Condensed Matter Physics and
Physical Chemistry at NEC
NEC Research Institute at Princeton, New Jersey, has several postdoctoral
positions open in the area of spin-polarized transport (experimental),
quantum phase transitions (experimental), and quantum computing (theoretical). The group presently consists of three scientists: Dr. Gabriel Aeppli, Dr. Christophe Renner and Dr. Yeong-Ah Soh and works in close collaboration with various Universities (including University of Chicago, Rutgers University, University of Tokyo) and National Laboratories (including Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory). The successful candidate should have a recent Ph.D. in condensed matter physics or physical chemistry and be highly motivated to conduct research independently in a dynamic environment. Depending on the project, expertise in magnetic thin film growth, nanoparticle synthesis, nanofabrication, low-temperature transport,magnetometry, X-ray diffraction, scanning probe microscopy, and numerical methods are desirable. To apply, send a CV including the list of publications
and contact information of three references to Dr. Yeong-Ah Soh, NEC Research Insitute, 4 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540, soh@research.nj.nec.com, (609) 951-2660 (ph), (609) 951-2482 (fax).
9. ***Announcement for the Traditional Wednesday Dinner Meeting***
Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting for the Year 2002
(**This announcement will not be posted on the message board due to the APS restriction. Please cut the time and date and bring in your wallet.)
Please join us at the Traditional APS March Dinner Meeting for the year 2002.
Place: Mama's House:
> Address: 8867 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis, Indiana 46226
> Tel: (317) 897-0808
Time: 6:30 pm on Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Transportation: Chartered Bus (about 30 min driving distance)
*All participants will meet near the APS message board at the Convention Center; a chartered bus will take us to the restaurant.
The first bus will leave at 5:40 pm sharp at the Convention center; the first group of people (about 50 people) to leave by the first bus must be near the APS message board by 5:30 pm.
The second (and last) bus will leave from the Convention Center at 6:40 pm; this group of people to leave by the second bus must be near the APS message board by 6:30 pm.
Bus will wait for us at the Maryland Street entrance.
(If you miss the bus, you will have to pay for a taxi.)
Menus: Bul-go-gi, Doen-jang jji-gae, Ojing-eo bokeum, and
Darg bokeum
Cost: $20 per person (Graduate Students: $10)
Sponsor: Association of Korean Physicists in America
PS: This traditional annual APS March Wednesday dinner meeting has been held for the past three decades, and it has been a good occasion to meet old friends, junior and senior friends, and Korean engineers and scientists. We hope that we will all have very fruitful fellowship sharing and meaningful professional discussions at this dinner meeting. This Dinner Meeting place has been arranged by Drs. Han Won Paik and Yong Suk Joe.
Hope to see you all at the dinner meeting in March of 2002,
Condensed Matter Physicists Group
Contact person: Yung Kee Yeo (Yung.Yeo@afit.edu)