


February 1, 2005

(Association of Korean Physicists in America)

This newsletter contains three important announcements, the 2005 General Meeting of the AKPA at the American Physical Society, at Los Angeles, California, the postponement the Deadline of Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA), and the friendly reminder of the AKPA membership dues and contributions.

The current and past AKPA news can be found in the AKPA website: http://www.akpa.org/.


1. 2005 AKPA General Meeting

2. The Deadline of Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA) Was Postponed

3. Reminder of the AKPA Membership Dues and Contributions


1. 2005 AKPA General Meeting

The 2005 General Meeting of the AKPA will be held as following at the 2005 American Physical Society March meeting:

Time: 8:30– 9:00 PM

Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Place: The Secret Garden Buffet Land

1925 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006

Tel: 213-380-9292

Dinner Cost: $20/$10 per regular/student member



-AKPA Update

-Presentation of Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA)


Please mark your Calendar for you to take part in this important meeting.

2. The Deadline of Outstanding Young Researcher Award (OYRA) Was Postponed

The purpose of this award is to recognize and promote excellence in research

by outstanding young ethnic Korean physicists in North America who are working

at research-doctorate institutions, and industrial and government laboratories.

QUALIFICATION and NOMINATION: Candidates are limited to those who

Received their doctoral degree after January 1, 2000, and are to be nominated by the

Chair or Head of the Department where they are employed or by the candidate's former thesis advisor in a letter detailing the importance and impact of the candidate's work. Supporting documents should include the candidate's curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation.

DEADLINE: The deadline was postponed to February 20, 2005 for nomination and February 28, 2005 for supporting documents. The awardee will be selected by the Awards Committee consisting of

Dr. M. Howard Lee, U. Georgia, mhlele@uga.edu

Dr. Young Hoon Kim, U. Cincinnati, kim@physunc.phy.uc.deu

Dr. Young Kee Kim, UC Berkeley, ykkim@lbl.gov

Dr. Woowon Kang, U. of Chicago, wkang@midway.uchicago.edu

Prof. Kyungsik Kang, Brown University, kang@het.brown.edu

Dr. William T. Chu, Livermore Laboratory, WTCHU@lbl.gov

PRESENTATION: The award in the amount of $1,000 will be presented at the AKPA annual meeting to be held in Los Angeles, California, USA during APS Meeting, March 21-25, 2005.

Nominations and supporting documents are to be sent to

Prof. Kyungsik Kang, Chair, OYRA, kang@het.brown.edu, and a copy to

Dr. Quiesup Kim

AKPA President

5335 Quail Canyon Road

Glendale, CA 91214-1352

Tel: (818) 957-5329

E-mail: quiesup.kim@sbcglobal.net

3. Reminder of the AKPA Membership Dues and Contributions

AKPA relies on your membership dues and donations.

The basic membership fee is $25 for regular members and $5 for graduate students. It has been an AKPA tradition that many senior members contributed large donations.

Please send your check payable to AKPA (or Association of Korean Physicists in America) to

Dr. Hyun Yim

P. O. Box 5800

Albuquerque, NM 87185

Sandia National Laboratories

Tel: (505) 284-6588

Fax: (505) 844-9781

E-mail: hyim@sandia.gov

AKPA NEWS - Special

February 2, 2005

(Association of Korean Physicists in America)

This APKA Newsletter - Special contains two important announcements, the Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting at the American Physical Society prior to the 2005 General Meeting of the AKPA, at Los Angeles, California, and the friendly reminder of the Participation to AKPA-KPS Conference 2005

The current and past AKPA news can be found in the AKPA website: http://www.akpa.org/.


1. Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting

2. Reminder of the Participation to AKPA-KPS Conference 2005


1. Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting

You are cordially invited to participate to this Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting. Participants are not necessary to be the AKPA members. This is solely for the promotion of the fellowship among the Korean ethnic physicists. Please inform this dinner meeting to your friends as many as you can. The 2005 Traditional APS March Wednesday Dinner Meeting will be held prior to the General Meeting of the AKPA as following at the 2005 American Physical Society March meeting:

Time: 6:00 – 8:30 PM

Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Place: The Secret Garden Buffet Land

1925 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90006

Tel: 213-380-9292

Dinner Cost: $20/$10 per regular/student member

Please contact Prof. Yung Kee Yeo, 937-255-3636, yung.yeo@afit.edu, if you have any questions regarding this dinner meeting.

2. Reminder of the Participation to AKPA-KPS Conference 2005

As we have informed you in our email in July, the Association of Korean Physicists in America (AKPA) and the Korean Physical Society (KPS) will be held on April 21-23, 2005 in Seoul. This meeting will bring together leading Korean physicists in the United States and Korea, and promote closer scientific collaboration between them. Maintaining a technological leading edge will be essential for Korea to survive international competition and grow into an economic power of the 21st century. The AKPA/KPS Joint Symposium will raise awareness of the importance of science and technology among the Korean public and policy makers, and help improve science education and research in Korea.

As we have informed you in our email in July, a KPS/AKPA Joint Meeting to celebrate the World Year of Physics will be held next April in Seoul. The meeting is shaping up as follows.

Time: April 21-23, 2005

Place: Ewha University campus, Seoul


April 21 (Thu): Plenary sessions covering the impact of Einstein's 1905 discoveries.

April 22 (Fri) and 23 (Sat): Parallel sessions in all fields.

AKPA members are invited to participate in all sessions.

While the sessions are being organized, we are also trying to raise funds to support travel for AKPA members. At this time, we need to find out how many AKPA members will participate in this historical meeting and their financial needs. Therefore, could you please fill out the attached questionnaire and send it by March 5, 2005 to Professor Ho Jung Paik at hpaik@physics.umd.edu ?

With best regards,

Quiesup Kim, President

Email: quiesup.kim@jpl.nasa.gov


Questionnaire for the KPS/AKPA Joint Meeting

Please indicate whether or not you intend to participate in the meeting and your financial needs. We would appreciate it if you could email the questionnaire back by March 5, 2005 to Professor Ho Jung Paik at the University of Maryland at hpaik@physics.umd.edu, and submit the title and abstract of your talk (in Word file) by March 5, 2005 to Professor Sungwon Kim at sungwon@ewha.ac.kr , with a copy to Professor Ho Jung Paik at hpaik@physics.umd.edu .